Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fifi's Last Trip

August 9, 2015

On July 20, 2015, we lost Fifi to kidney failure.  It was one of the saddest days of our lives. Fifi was Pam's soul mate and traveling companion of fifteen years.

The day of our wedding (July 11), we noticed that Fifi was not feeling well. We got her dressed in her tie dye scarf and she put on her best  face as she walked up to the stage and watched the ceremony. Afterwards, we put her in the camper so that she could stay cool in the air conditioning.

Fifi awaiting her turn in the wedding procession
July 11, 2015

We took Fifi to the vet on Monday. Blood work confirmed that Fifi was in the late stages of kidney failure. We dejectedly took her home and decided that we would postpone our honeymoon trip to Siesta Key while we gave Fifi subcutaneous fluids.

By Wednesday Fifi seemed to be improving. She had a little more energy and would eat a few bites of chicken and rice dog food without vomiting it back up. With an ok from the vet, a drip line, and several bags of fluid, we headed to the beach.

Fifi and Pam on the beach at Siesta Key, Florida
July 16, 2015

Fifi enjoyed her days at Siesta Key. She walked on the beach and visited with Pam's nephews and sister. We gave her fluids twice a day and fed her whatever she would eat. Sometimes it was chicken, sometimes steak or ribs. It became increasingly difficult to predict what she wanted. She turned her nose up at the steak she had eaten the night before. I walked to the local market to purchase hamburger and came home to fry it up, only to have to walk back to the market to buy turkey. Sometimes she would keep the food down and sometimes she would throw it up.

Pam knew that her days with Fifi were limited. She would not let Fifi suffer. We took her to Dr. Farrar the Saturday we got back. Dr. Farrar agreed that it was Fifi's time to go.  She gave Fifi one last bag of fluids intravenously and told Pam that she would come to the house on Tuesday to euthenize her. By Monday, however, we knew that Fifi should not go on. Pam said her goodbyes and we took her to Spencer, where Dr. Farrar awaited us.

Fifi was cremated and a small amount of ashes were placed in a locket  that Pam can wear. Fifi will never be forgotten.

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